Cinderella Solution Review – How I Lost 30 lbs In 1 Month

Cinderella Solution Review – How I Lost 30 lbs In 1 Month

MUST READ: Does the cinderella solution system works -90% Off

Are you looking for a Cinderella Solution review with real result? Stick around and see what happened after I followed the program for 1 month. You will like the results!



How It Begin

Weight Loss Program Hi, my dear readers, this is Amy.

If you are reading this, it’s probably because you want to get rid of excess fat. You might also be wondering if the Cinderella Solution program is legit?

In an effort to lose some extra pounds, I’ll be reviewing it and put myself to test using this program.

If you have not watched the video presentation, please do so here.

For quite some time, I’ve had issues with excess fat around my waist and I was a little insecure about it.

On important occasions, I’d usually have to wear tight-fitted clothes and it just shows.

Sometimes I’d try wearing something bigger and looser to avoid embarrassment.

And you know what’s worse? Friends or family gatherings! A typical conversation starter from someone you haven’t met in a while goes something like this –

“Oh Amy! It’s been a while. You look a little different than before!”

It doesn’t take a genius to understand what that means. It’s pretty obvious that they’re trying to sugar coat their words.

Have you ever gotten that? I may be slightly hurt but I was more annoyed at the fact that they just HAVE to point it out. Like duhhh..!! Of course, I am aware of my own body.

At some point, I was like, “I had enough of this and I am going to take control of my situation if I feel something about it”.  After all, I want to live an active and healthier life as well.

Believe me, I have tried the following to lose weight :

  • Exercising whenever I can as I don’t have much time
  • Removing carbohydrates from my meals
  • Starving myself (Pretty dumb move)
  • Just having fruits and vegetables
  • Fat burning creams

Sure, there were some results from it. I lost a few pounds but I’d eventually gain everything back in a matter of weeks. Sometimes I thought my weight scale was broken. Today I’m 120lbs and days later I am 130lbs.

           Cinderella Solution Weight Loss - 1 Examine The Evidence                                            

It can be really frustrating. To those of you that have experienced that, I feel you!

I am better off hiring a fitness coach from the beginning to save all those troubles.

Anyways, 4 months ago I was hanging with my girlfriends for brunch, and one of them noticed that I didn’t order anything.

Immediately she went “are you going on a diet?” …. I was slightly embarrassed. In a timid voice, I replied .. “yes”.

She then went on lecturing me for 10 minutes on how bad it was to skip meals and that isn’t a REAL solution to lose weight.

Before she ended her lecture, she advised me to check out “Cinderella Solution” because it helped her lose over 24 pounds. 

That night, I went home and started searching for it.

My Cinderella Solution Review

Upon accessing the program, this is what I see. So who’s the creator of this product? Who is that lady speaking to the camera?

She is Carly Donovan, a.k.a the woman on the cover of the Cinderella Solution. She is a fitness instructor, a busy mom and a “female fat-loss-specialist“.

In other words, Carly Donovan specifically designed a 4 phase weight loss system for women over 30 who are struggling to go lose weight, and even more so for those who just don’t have time to go to the gym.

This system is based on new research that shows the hormonal transition women go through during puberty and up to menopause, which basically slows down the female metabolism significantly, thus making it EXTREMELY difficult to lose weight and main a healthy figure.

You will also discover a series of exercises (no gym) and proper meal plans (no calorie calculation) to kick-start the metabolism that essentially boosts the fat burning process quickly.

Everything was designed to be 100% natural and safe for anyone, regardless of the condition.

When you make your purchase, the following is what you’ll be receiving.

  • Cinderella Solution Main Manual – This main manual covers everything you need to know about weight loss and how hormones come into play.
  • Quick Start Guide – Think of this as the skip button and dive right into the nitty-gritty to start the weight loss process immediately.
  • Cinderella University Book – You’ll discover the science behind weight gain.
  • Movement Sequencing Guide – This is a workout plan that guides you into understanding the workout part of the program and how to integrate it to speed up results.
  • Bonus Daily Nutritional Blueprint – Carly Donovan actually shared her blueprint in detail on what she did to lose 84 pounds.

What Is Inside The Main Program?

The program is divided into 4 sections like I previously mentioned.

  • Part 1 gives an overview of the program and what to expect from it.
  • Part 2 talks about your daily nutrition needs. You’ll get the meal plans, food pairing and learn about meal timing and frequency.
  • Part 3 shows how to adjust the meal plan to your liking and learn about portion control.
  • Part 4 reveals the best flavor pairing and combines it with a sequence of movements to start burning fat.

My Journey With Cinderella Solution For 1 Month

The entire system lasts for 28 days and you can repeat them for as long as you want. The most important section of the program is actually the Ignite Phase and the Launch Phase together with the food combination.


Prior to starting the program, I had to remind myself why I am doing this to keep my mental focus strong. People easily lose their focus and reason as to why they started doing what they did.

While I was affected by those comments, it was NEVER really about them. It has been a long-time goal of mine to actually lose weight but I kept pushing back and giving excuses.

I set priorities straight this time and gave myself 1 month to test if this works or not.

To be honest, before I begin, I thought this was going to be tough and requires me to readjust my entire schedule.

Boy was I so wrong…it was ACTUALLY pretty easy.

The Movement Sequencing

Like I have mentioned before, there’s no gym required. If you can get a dumbbell, that’s great. If you can’t it is fine as well.

Carly has provided a bunch of great exercise videos where each exercise or sequence last for a few minutes and you have to exercise for about 10-20 minutes a day. Feel like extending longer? Perfectly fine as well.

If you have a gym membership, I think you can skip this section because you can probably do so much more there.

Coming from someone who doesn’t exercise, this feels perfect. Nothing too intense and perfectly doable by anyone at any age.

I took some time out in the evenings after work to exercise. How often to do, you might ask?

For me, it was at least 3-4 times a week.  You can definitely exercise more often to maximize the result.

I felt a lot lighter just after 1 week of doing. I can say my mood has improved.

What And How To Eat


We all love food, don’t we? Don’t worry about it being boring and bland. Trust me, there are plenty of recipes to select from and they are actually tasty.

In the beginning, I had to get rid of unhealthy food from my diets such as pizzas, coke, ice-cream, and any deep-fried food.

The big part of losing weight has always got to do with what you eat. I just had to cook more often which I am fine with that.

I was committed so I decided to bring the food that I prepared at home to the office every day. When I don’t have the time, I’ll just do it the night before.

In addition, Carly recommends eating 3 meals a day for the first 14 days which is the Ignite Phase.

Once completed, I proceeded with the Launch Phase for the other 14 days by eating 4 meals a day with the food pairing combination.

Here are a few special food pairing combinations: 

  • ricotta and berries 
  • greek yogurt and sweet potatoes
  • mint and green teas..

Did I mention that there is a dessert recipe book and they are delicious too?

Delicious healthy desserts that would make you crave for such as apple crumble, almond pecan protein balls, chocolate raspberry muffins and so much more.

The Final Result                               

After 1 month of perseverance, I lost 30 lbs or 13 kg easily and effortlessly!! How AWESOME is that?

Just when I was about to give up trying all sorts of methods, I finally found one that works for me.

I know the changes are not very drastic. However, a positive result is what I was aiming for and I got exactly that.
I’m might still be a little self-conscious but going through with the plan has led me to a healthier and happier life.

For the best result, I’d suggest continuing for a least 3 months.

My belly and waist have definitely shrunk in size, and I can put on pants that I hadn’t worn in 3 years.

After this, I will continue on and hopefully, get abs a few months down the road.

To sum it up, here is what I feel after completing the Cinderella Solution program. I have:

  • Regain self-confidence
  • Improved my ability to focus                                                 
  • Lost 30 lbs of fat
  • Changed the way I eat
  • Better and healthier skin complexion.  

Moreover, I believe one main factor for my past failures to shed weight before this program was not having the right guidance or plan.

I always thought I can piece the puzzle from what I learned on Youtube or blogs. To my realization, it obviously doesn’t work that way.

You need a step-by-step guide that is PROVEN to work.

From a beginner’s perspective, people often think that doing cardio is enough to lose weight. However, that’s not the case after what I learned.

There are multiple factors that are hindering people from reaching their desired outcome.

A few examples are eating the wrong food, hormonal imbalance or built-up toxins in the system.

Is This For You?                           


If you told me yesterday for such a small price of $37 would bring me my desired results, I wouldn’t believe you. I’ve now changed my mind.

After testing this out, I can vouch that this is beginner-friendly and suitable for all the ladies out there. There’s no doubt that if you follow the plans right, you will DEFINITELY get your ideal body.

This can for work for you if you want to:

  • lose weight fast for your wedding
  • lose weight without going to the gym
  • avoid going the traditional weight loss route
  • avoid counting calories
  • even just want to be healthy

In fact, they offered a 60 days money-back guarantee and you now have absolutely NO RISK of trying.

        The Cinderella Solution - My Belly Fat Diet

In conclusion, whether you are pursuing better health or for aesthetic purposes, it is without a doubt that you truly care about your body. Start today and don’t look back.

If you enjoyed my Cinderella Solution review and decided to go with the program, remember to share your progress with me below. It’d be of great help to others too!


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